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International Conference for Physics and Advance Computation Sciences (ICPAS)
The International Conference for Physics and Advance Computation Sciences (ICPAS) (ICPAS) will be held at the College of Education, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq, 5-6 June 2025.
ICPAS is organized by Mustansiriyah University(MU), College of Education (COE) in Mustansiriyah University, Statistical and Informatics Consultation Center (SICC), Dijla Co. Pvt. Ltd (Dijla). ICPAS Aims to bring together all aspects and research works in a scientific platform to discuss the latest and new trends in topics covered under broad areas such as (but not limited to) Nuclear, plasma, and theoretical physics, Materials physics, materials analysis, and characterization, Optics, Quantum Optics and Lasers, Mathematical Physics, Applied Physics, Statistical physics and Nonlinear systems, Number Theory, Linear Algebra, Geometry, Combinatorics and other applications. The conference is co-published by ..... 

ICPAS invites researchers and postgraduate students to an open forum where advanced in Physics and Applied Mathematic Sciences can be shared.
ICPAS will feature a comprehensive technical program, including a fair number of workshops, symposia, and exhibitions on physics and applied Computation sciences.


ICPAS Wellcomes submissions of Full length Papers, Special Sessions and Worshop Proposal based on the Following Rounds:
Groups(Lecturers / researchers / students / Foreigners).


   :  05 February   2025
PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE  :  10 May           2025
ACCEPTANCE DEADLINE DATE    :   20 May          2025
THE CAMERA READY DEADLINE  :   25  May         2025


REGISTERATION STARTED      :  10 March 2025
REGISTERATION DEADLINE    :  01 June    2025


Mustansiriyah University
Mustansiriyah UniversityConference Organizer
College of Education
College of EducationConference Organizer

College of Education, Mustansiriyah University

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Luís Miguel Cardoso
Prof. Dr. Luís Miguel CardosoPortugal
Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre
Prof. Dr. Souvik Pal
Prof. Dr. Souvik PalIndia
Global Institute of M&T, West Bengal
Prof. Dr. Adriana Schiopoiu
Prof. Dr. Adriana Schiopoiu Romania
University of Craiova, Romania

Honorary Conference Chairs

Prof. Hamid Al-Tamimi
Prof. Hamid Al-Tamimi
The President of Mustansiriyah University, Honorary Conference Chair
A. Pro. Dr. Tariq H. Abboud
A. Pro. Dr. Tariq H. Abboud
Dean of the College of Education at Mustansiriya University, Honorary Chair
Prof. Dr. Alaa H. Shanishil
Prof. Dr. Alaa H. Shanishil
Chair of Scientific Committee, College of Education, Mustansiriya University

Conference Publication Chairs

Prof. Dr. Jyoti S. Banerjee
Prof. Dr. Jyoti S. Banerjee
Bengal Institute of Technology
A. Prof. Dr. Ahmed J. Obaid
A. Prof. Dr. Ahmed J. Obaid
University of Kufa.
Prof. Dr. Salah Albermany
Prof. Dr. Salah Albermany
University of Kufa

Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee

  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Tariq Hashem Abboud
  • Prof. Dr. Alaa Hussein Shanishil
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Jamal Ajeel Sultan
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Qasim Khalif Ammar
  • Prof. Dr. Ismail Abdullah Khalati
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Zuhair Hussein Ali
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. A’lan Jalal Abdel Qader
  • Pro. Dr. Zaid Muhammad Abboud
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Hirsh Omar Abdullah
  • Pro. Dr. Hassan Hadi Abdullah
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Ali Neama Muhammad

Organizing Committee

  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Ali Taher Mohi
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Ali Shaker Mahmoud
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Rafid I’dan Halyut
  • Pro. Dr. Muntaha Abdel-Zahra Mohsen
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Iman Fadel Muhammad
  • Assist. Pro. Bushra Jar-Allah Tawfiq
  • Assist. Pro. Amin Abdel Zahra Nour
  • Assist. Pro. Wael Salam Jameel
  • Assist. Pro. Ali Ibrahim Mansour
  • Assist. Lect. Acer Thamer Nasser
  • Hoda Naji Abboud

Scientific Committee

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Alaa Hussien Shneishil
  • Prof.Dr. Hassan Nouri Abdel Wahab
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farhan Atwan
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa Shaker Hashem
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Intisar Hato Hashem
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Ahmed Jabbar Obaid
  • Pro. Dr. Sameer Qasim Hassan
  • Pro. Dr. Saad Shaker Mahmoud
  • Pro. Dr. Makki Akram Muhammad
  • Pro. Dr. Ikhlas Abbas Jabr

Scientific Committee

  • Pro. Dr. Youssef Sputi
  • Pro. Dr. Akban Nadine Akot
  • Pro. Dr. Peter Stephenhan Leiden
  • Pro. Dr. Hussain Muzaffar Alryoz
  • Pro. Dr. Haidar Raad Majeed
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Abdul Wahab Sami Ibrahim
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Anwar Abbas Hattab
  • Assist. Pro. Dr. Hirsch Mohammed Abdullah
  • Assist. Dr. Heba Abdullah Ahmed
  • Assist. Dr. Sarah Abdul Redha Rahman

Conference Topics

ICPAS-2024 Welcomes Submissions on Original Contributions are solicited on topics covered under broad areas such as (but not limited to):

ICPAS-Scientific Committee

Registration Plans

Full Paper Participation
$200Facilities of Full papers submission
  • 2 Day Access to Conference Venue
  • Session Access for Discussion
  • Conference Participation Certificate
  • Conference Award from Organizer
  • Thankful Letter from Organizers
Attendance || Visitor
$25Facilities of Attendance and Visitors
  • 2 Day Access to Conference Venue
  • No Workshop Access
  • Session Access As Visitor
  • Attendance Certificate
  • Coffee Break Access


Conference Venue

Welcome to Al-Mustansiriyah University

The oldest historical University in Iraq

Al-Mustansiriyah University, Oldest University in Iraq and Arab World

AL- Mustansiriyah University Added to the World Heritage List

Al-Mustansiriyah University

Our Conference Venue in April 21-22, 2020
About Al-Mustansiriya University
The original Mustansiriya Madrasah was established in 1227 (or 1232/34 A.D. by some accounts) by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Mustansir and was one of the oldest universities in the world. Its building, on the left bank of the Tigris River, survived the Mongol invasion of 1258 and has been restored.
The modern Mustansiriyah University was established with the help and financial support of the Republic of Ίrāq Teacher’s Union in 1963, mainly providing evening courses. In 1964, the University was given the status of a semi-state institution and some state financial support. At the same time it absorbed Al-Sha’ab University, another private university that had been founded by the Ίrāqi Association of Economists, and then moved to a new campus to the north of the city centre. Initially, the University also managed colleges in Mosul and Basra.
In 1966 a law was passed under which the private universities were converted into public universities. Mustansiriyah thus became, briefly, a College within the University of Baghdad. In 1967 a major reorganisation of higher education was initiated, with the intention that by 1969 all previous institutions would be abolished and reconstituted. Mustansiriyah was designated as a separate University in 1968, and its branch campuses were detached to form part of the University of Mosul and the University of Basra.  

About College of Education
There is no doubt that the Iraqi universities stand in the forefront, including our University of Mustansiriya in its original colleges, including our College of Education, and what is the clear appearance and what is the highest rank among the universities of the world, but the University of Mustansiriya - which is entitled to take the banner of Iraqi universities - of honorable sacrifices Because it is not a secret of the strength of the difficulties, because it is not hidden what its students and associates of the Asiatiz and other blood of Zakia contributed to the best indication that the university - indeed - a national educational institution, on this bright side is proud of the memory and praise that the University of Mustansiriya And Liam The Faculty of Education is an honorable march that urges the step towards scientific integration and towards the renaissance that reveals the cultural, scientific and cultural balance of our great people.
The Faculty of Education at Mustansiriya University was established at the beginning of the academic year 1976-1977 to meet the requirements of the comprehensive development plans witnessed by the Iraqi country and the great expansion in the secondary education sector. Physics and Mathematics.

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